
Plan your 2022 with Limeñita

Plan your 2022 with Limeñita
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A New Year’s resolution is a tradition known to many of us. But did you know that more than 1/3 of new years resolutions fail? Moreover, did you know that people have been setting New Year’s resolutions since the early 19th century? ( = meaning, many resolutions have been achieved, but also failed)

In general, we try to change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish our goals, or otherwise improve our life with the start of the new year. Do you want to finally achieve those goals you have been putting off for a long time?

Our tip is to create a list of New Year’s resolutions that are easy, attainable and can help you make better-for-you lifestyle tweaks each and every day. Start small and eventually, small steps will bring you the desired goal. Ask yourself, if you are making a resolution for the right reason, for your benefit and not to impress others.

Want to stay on track with your resolutions? Download and print out this document to help you keep up with your goals! Let us know on our social media how you get on with it.