
Healthy snacks for summer! (sweet and salty)

Healthy snacks for summer! (sweet and salty)
juicy tips /

It’s been a few hours since lunch … there are still a few left until dinner and you feel like something small? But do you want something healthier than a chocolate bar or salty chips?

In this article, we will bring you some tips for simple, low-calorie snacks that will satisfy you between lunch and dinner, and we will prove to you that it is possible to drive away hunger with a healthy snack.


Vegetable chips

Do you like crispy salty potato chips or, but you looking for a suitable alternative? Cut your favourite vegetables (suitable for heat treatment) – we recommend carrots, beets or zucchini. Season with salt and pepper and bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Crispy chickpeas

Mix cooked chickpeas with your favourite spices (for example, we recommend sweet peppers, cumin, thyme), add a little olive oil and bake in a oven until crispy.

Homemade crackers

Prepare homemade crackers from oatmeal and seeds. We recommend chia seeds or flax seeds.


Fruit mix

Prepare your own mix of dried or freeze-dried fruit. We recommend dried apple, lyophilized strawberries or other wild fruits.

Chia pudding

Prepare chia pudding at the beginning of the week as a healthy afternoon snack is catered for. Mix chia seeds with a vegetable drink, add a sweetener according to your preference and fruit. Enjoy chilled.

Homemade yogurt

Have you ever tried to make homemade coconut yogurt? All you have to do is buy a can of thick coconut milk, a probiotic (we recommend one that you have to store in the cold and they are in capsules). Add the coconut milk to a large glass, add the probiotics and mix with a wooden spoon. Cover with a cloth so that the coconut milk can “breathe”. Leave to rest for two days and then store in the refrigerator.

..Or you can try out our tip for healthy homemade pineapple popsicles from this post!

Write us on Instagram which snack you liked!